A level english literature coursework help
I’m currently going into Year 13 in September and I want to use the summer to get ahead with my coursework for English. Find below our A-level English reading list of modern literature. English Literature Study Guides. 22) Key guidance (with all the key ‘rules’ and links to guidance) Watch this video with your students to explain the whole set up & process of coursework from start to finish A comprehensive set of schemes of work and resources designed for the 2015 Edexcel A Level English Literature course. 3 A level Literature coursework help 15,107 views Sep 7, 2017 A (slightly long) coursework help video, to use if you're struggling with the Literature coursework (comparison of 2 novels). Coursework for A level English Lit about 'The Handmaid's tale' by Margaret Atwood and 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' by Khaled Hosseini on the theme of women presented as the victims of society. Ways you ‘could’ approach your coursework. This is a video to support students who are starting their Edexcel A level English Literature coursework (9ET0 04). 3 Independent critical study: texts across time. The grade boundaries can also be useful for teachers, as they can use them to determine how challenging the exam is likely to be Paper 1: Telling Stories- Three hour examination, 40% of A Level. Mark and annotate your students’ work by hand as usual and complete the NAS. All the a level english literature coursework help tips given in this presentation are. Well youve managed to avoid telling us which books and what question. PLLLEEEEASSSE HELP before i lose all motivation. So I'm back with another revision video! It covers choosing texts, composing your. Craft 2 texts from the same genre with different purposes and/or audiences a level english literature coursework help (1500- 2000 words across the 2 texts) Assessed for AO5, 30 marks 3. Students submit their final coursework to you hard copy with a hard copy NEA authentication sheet (NAS). Please watch this and custom written research papers have a go. This document is 30 Exchange Credits Add to Cart More about this document: This document has been hand checked. Definitely has a romance plot line in it and would be well suited for your assignment. I have found it inspirational and useful at giving them ideas for their own independent coursework. Resource type: Assessment and revision.